I've started about 12 different posts in order to try and finish the whole cross country saga, but I get caught up in the details or find myself spending 15 minutes looking for the perfect picture. So how 'bout I just bring us to VA and catch up on the trip later?
We got into the house on 22 August and our household goods arrived just before Labor Day weekend--I think. It's all a big blur of boxes in my memory. None the less, we have been digging out from under that mess for the last several months. Having little to no storage space has got to be the biggest challenge I've ever faced in moving.
Our townhome has more living square footage than our last house, but the 4th bedroom is downstairs, so the girls share a room upstairs. In order to keep them happy, we went to IKEA and bought loft beds for them both. It's a little tight all around, but they have a lot of "personal space" and seem to enjoy the room. They also share a great walk in closet so they have more than enough floor space to clutter up with dirty clothes.

They started school after Labor Day, and so far so good. As a matter of fact, I'll say that SarahBeth is having a waaaay better experience than her previous school. And, while nothing will compare to Alpenglow Elementary, both girls have found their groove here and seem settled. The hard part for me is the fact that their school friends don't live nearby, so I feel a bit out of the loop on all the friendship stuff. Can't keep up if you aren't standing at the bus stop with all the other moms.
Anyhooo, we were blessed to walk into a newly painted home that matched the majority of our previous furnishings, but I decided the kitchen needed to be "kicked up a notch" so right before Christmas I painted it red. More brick red, but red none the less.
Here's the before and afters on it...

The After...

OK, that wasn't much of an "after", but you see...red...brick red.
Wow. Could this be more boring?
I will post more sooner than later. Promise.