Saturday, October 27, 2007

The yin and yang of SarahBeth

SarahBeth's class had to do a mask that best represented themselves. Funny how a parents vision of a project versus a kids can be so different. I guess, if you will, the yin and yang of parenthood. None the less, when I asked SarahBeth what she wanted to do-how she wanted to represent herself; she talked about her good vs. evil, grumpy vs. happy, mean vs. sweet...."ya know moma, like the yin and yang of myself"....

Of course, my sweet baby bear....of course.....

Monday, October 22, 2007


Have I mentioned that I'm can no longer fight the battle of cutting J's hair and have decided to save that excitement for his daddy? None the less, here's my little train boy

To bring you up to date...

alright. Since the beginning of September, I have:

*had 2 SLUMBER birthday parties

*started my littlest in preschool

*passed the 365 day mark

*watched a 20 month old starting at 6 AM(!!!) every morning while her parents were in between babysitters

*hosted a few meetings and a couple of non-kid parties

*made an Ares(greek god of war) costume

*found, bought, and accepted into my home-AND priced over 12(BIG)boxes of
"merchandise" for the Spouses Club

*ordered yet another set of flowers for a young boy's funeral

*bought(and returned) a new kitchen table

*killed and jump started batteries in 2 different vehicles (in the same day mind you)

*drove-in blinding snow-in OCTOBER to get a "playdate"

*spent more money than any normal person should on food from Costco-with 4 kids in tow

not to mention taking out the trash, laundry, dishes, bills, homework, cleaning toilets and scooping poop(my personal favorite!)

I don't make many statements like this, but...if anyone asks your opinion-ever...
15 months is damn near intolerable...12 is ok, but 12 1/2 starts to get under your skin...

Looks like it will be by Jamison b-day...barely...but the good news is, I got the kiddos to agree-pizza and ice cream for Thanksgiving 3 days of thawing out a 20 pound turkey for the masses this year!!!!!

Yeah, I hoo family is healthy and safe and my home isn't in danger of catching on fire anytime soon...

Gotta keep a little perspective, huh?


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

First Day of Puh-rees-koooh

Alright, after a bit of wait listing and dragging of feet, Jamison began his first day of preschool today. He goes Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12. Living in our small community he already knows many of his classmates from the neighborhood or from my gym. He even invited two new friends to his "birfday pawty".

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Your turn Tinkerbell-

Happy Belated Birthday, baby girl...

I'm so glad I chose to have you!!!