Sunday, March 15, 2009

Boys will be boys

Some of you all may have seen these pictures already, but I couldn't resist posting them here.

The day after our March snow, Jamison decided to visit the little creek behind our house. If you look closely, you will see that while he initially tries to stay out of the near freezing water, the boy in him just has to get wet.

It's pictures like these that make me forever grateful for Tim getting my super cool, extra special lens for me last-last Christmas. It was a lot of money, but the pictures I've been able to get with it has made it twice as valuable.

In like a Lion...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Eragon Games

SarahBeth has a wonderful teacher this year. Each month they have been assigned different book report projects and have to read all different genres of books. In February, the report was on a "fantasy book" and had to be presented in the form of a board game. In spite of a short and busy month, SB insisted on creating her own pawns for the game.

The book Eragon is about a boy who receives a dragon egg and it's the last of the dragons. You can see in the pictures SB gave each player 2 eggs, a dragon and a sword(not pictured). She formed those pawn with her own hands out of clay and painted them. She also set her own alarm to ensure the final details were implemented and the project was perfected. We were busy that morning making sure it would transport safely, so I don't have any final project pictures...but you can see her effort and creativity. Fantastic. :)

Jamison's Christmas Present

This year Santa got Tim Jamison a 1,000,000,000 piece k'nex monster project-y thing-y. Tim Jamison has loved putting it all together. So much so that he was determined to finish before he his daddy had his shoulder surgery. Here you see Tim both of them enjoying the fruits of his their labor.

Building Museum Building

A few weekends ago we headed to the National Building Museum...the same place Tim and I attended one of the 2004 Inaugural Balls. They were having a Family Engineering Day and the place was packed with kids and some seriously patient engineers and lots and lots of simple projects. Good times!

Of course, Jamison's personal fav was the room infested with Legos.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Belly Buddies

When I was pregnant with Jamison, Tim was briefly deployed to Afghanistan. During that time I was privileged to surrounded by other pregnant wives in waiting. One of those gals currently lives down the road from me. This guy here was born the February after Jamison's December birth. They met in real life for the first time this fall and now have a standing Thursday playdate. They were in China while we were in Alaska. The Army makes it a small, small world!