Well the first day of school came and went with very little fanfare. I guess we are getting to be seasoned pro's. SarahBeth was comforted with knowing our next door neighbor would be sitting next to her in class, and LeighAnne always takes a challenge head on...especially when socializing is involved.
I think Jamison was more upset than anyone else. The morning of the 1st day there were clips of school buses on TV and he pointed at the screen and said "YaYa go" (YaYa is the word for sister) but when we said good-bye to SB, he cried after her. (LA was too cool to be walked to her class room) However, coming home to Popa and the Disney channel all to himself soothed any sadness.
The girls are excited about their teachers and seem to have a great school. Ofcourse only in Alaska would you receive a reminder that children must wait outside the school until the first bell unless it's too cold. Too cold at Alpenglow is -10 degrees!! This includes recess!! Brrr!
Good grief, did LeighAnne grow a foot, or what? They're adorable.
What pretty grown-up looking girls!! And LA does look a bit taller with a lot more hair - that clean artic air must promote hair growth ... I can't wait to get there myself to see if it works for me too! Poppy
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