We had a few more show up after this picture, but getting the whole gaggle of 'em to stand still for this picture was hard enough.
We had 3 witches and 2 vampire queens. Jamison and one of our neighbor boys went as impossible toddlers...meaning they refused to wear their costumes. Jamison was in a darling little pumpkin sweatsuit when he saw his train shirt and it was all over then.
Uncle Brandon was a real champ and played "bouncer" at the door. He also managed to rally the troops into a game of "frog, frog, toad" (duck, duck, goose) and get a few ghost stories in before present time. Honestly, the whole event would have been a little too hairy without him.

At LeighAnne's insistance we invited all ages. It was important to her that siblings be invited. During the party they became known as the "babies" and were allowed to do just about anything they wanted. They were allowed to leave the garage area and come "help" me in the kitchen. They also got extra candy and a quiet place to play when things were a little loud and crazy. Yes, they were extra work, but tell me this face isn't worth it!