Thursday, October 13, 2005

Just take the d@^^# picture

So, with Tim's parents visiting we headed southeast of Anchorage along the Turnagain Arm to Alyeska and Portage Glacier. A little hiking and sight seeing...when we went with Popa we saw beluga is October in Alaska and freezing cold rain blowing sideways kind of takes away from the beauty.

None the less, Grammy and Poppy didn't spend hours on a plane, hundreds of dollars, and most of their vacation time to sit around and watch grandchildren sit in front of the TV. So here's what they found at Portage Glacier.

Actually our trip ended up pretty nice, but this was almost the turnaround point.

Most likely my favorite picture to date of Tim's parents.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I envy Gene and Carol, getting to spend the day with you, Tim, and the grandkids in the great outdoors of Alaska. My 36 holes of golf in warm sunny Myrtle Beach on the same day pales in comparasion.