Thursday, December 22, 2005

Eagle River Tree Lighting Cermony

So, way back earlier this month, LeighAnne's choir sang at the Tree lighting ceremony. Tim was out in the field so I loaded up everybody, including Kenai and headed out. (I also had the fore site to borrow a sled made with a back support for little ones.) There was a ton of snow on the ground and it was contining to snow.

We were lucky to find good parking, but we still had to hurry and finish wrapping up in our coats (and gloves and hats and boots and hand-warmers and snow pants...) With all the layers, it was a little hard for Jamsion to bend at the waist and sit comfortably in the sled, but he managed. The dog was beside herself to be out and about and allowed to socialize, so I put the sled rope and dog leash in the same hand and let Kenai do the work. Everything was OK until we hit the "spectator area". To my suprise, under all the new fallen snow was an ICE RINK!!! We were expected to stand on a concealed ice rink and watch the festivities...remember, I had a grumpy 2 year old in a small sled and a wild puppy attached to it. It was sooo much work just remaining vertical that I was exhausted afterwards, but we all stayed until the very end, after everyone else had left and played under the town Christmas tree sliding across the ice rink with the snow falling all around us. It was two hours well spent.

1 comment:

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