However, our month has be riddled by other, strep throat....

and, my personal favorite....

Yes...he's got the chicken pox shot...I don't wonderful doctor neighbor came over and had a look and verified...and told me now Jamison was doubly immune. I'm just hoping and praying that the girls don't get it. They don't need to miss any more school.
Speakig of school, the girls are doing great. I had parent/teacher conferences on Thursday, and I tell you, I've always known my girls were pretty special, but to have 2 teachers in a row tell you how wonderful they are...well, I guess my fears of raising ax murders...or worse-mini-Paris Hilton's...are put to rest. I do have to give a lot of acknowledgement to the incredible teachers they have-teachers that really "get" my girls.
Well, that's been our April in a nutshell. Hopefully illnesses and extra sunshine won't keep me from posting regularly.