alright. Since the beginning of September, I have:
*had 2 SLUMBER birthday parties
*started my littlest in preschool
*passed the 365 day mark
*watched a 20 month old starting at 6 AM(!!!) every morning while her parents were in between babysitters
*hosted a few meetings and a couple of non-kid parties
*made an Ares(greek god of war) costume
*found, bought, and accepted into my home-AND priced over 12(BIG)boxes of
"merchandise" for the Spouses Club
*ordered yet another set of flowers for a young boy's funeral
*bought(and returned) a new kitchen table
*killed and jump started batteries in 2 different vehicles (in the same day mind you)
*drove-in blinding snow-in OCTOBER to get a "playdate"
*spent more money than any normal person should on food from Costco-with 4 kids in tow
not to mention taking out the trash, laundry, dishes, bills, homework, cleaning toilets and scooping poop(my personal favorite!)
I don't make many statements like this, but...if anyone asks your opinion-ever...
15 months is damn near intolerable...12 is ok, but 12 1/2 starts to get under your skin...
Looks like it will be by Jamison b-day...barely...but the good news is, I got the kiddos to agree-pizza and ice cream for Thanksgiving 3 days of thawing out a 20 pound turkey for the masses this year!!!!!
Yeah, I hoo family is healthy and safe and my home isn't in danger of catching on fire anytime soon...
Gotta keep a little perspective, huh?