the harder it is to get a picture.
So, yeah, this is my only Halloween night picture. That night my brother was here, SarahBeth went with her friend(and mom) to trick or treat in another neighborhood, LeighAnne went with a friend AND NO PARENTS half way down the street and Jamison had 5 other friends meet up here to trick or treat with. I put a bowl of candy out and headed on with the younger crowd. None the less, lots and lots of candy accompanied our snowy Halloween. The temps were in the low 30's...which, ya'll know, is a downright heatwave for us.
The little girl in the picture is Brooke-my "if" I had baby #4. She's a darling devilish angel...and cured any lingering baby lust. She also has an amazing ability to hop in front of a camera and yell "CHEESE" at the last moment.
Anyhoo, Jamison went as Thomas to Preschool but decided on being a buh-noo(blue) Power Ranger for Halloween night.
SarahBeth went as Aries, "GOD OF WAR". Yeah, I know. It was a school project that easily(and wonderfully) moved into a Halloween costume.
So there ya go. Halloween in a nut shell.
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aww mannnnnn!!!! And here I thought somebody left me a for-real comment...
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