While it means showing the random junk lying around the house, I'm thrilled to show you the first Christmas morning pics of the kids. By the way, Jamison had a...(shhh)...accident...hence in the mismatched p.j.'s.
And then the girls reaction to knowing somehow, someway they might shoot an eye out...
but the most important gift to any good Santa....
(that would be Starbucks for anyone wearing glasses...)
Then ME getting wonderful hand painted pottery from each child-and my hubby!
There were presents with a lot of heart....
...and far searched gifts too!
Then the special suprises of Christmas morn...
Friday, December 28, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
'lest we forget in all the hoopla...
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
D@mn computer...
First, laptop having issues....and...so is the home PC. Therefore, no pictures, but...if somehow, you are the only person I haven't called, emailed or screamed from the top of the mountain to....
Tim made it home safe and sound Sunday evening. I can't begin to tell you the emotion that wells up inside of you as you see not only your loved one, but the husbands and wives of all your friends parading in. Knowing that the worst is over...that they made it home safe and sound...that "life" can begin again...it's too overwhelming to describe.
None the less, our Christmas is beyond blessed this year, and we will never forget those that paid the ultimate sacrifice...
Tim made it home safe and sound Sunday evening. I can't begin to tell you the emotion that wells up inside of you as you see not only your loved one, but the husbands and wives of all your friends parading in. Knowing that the worst is over...that they made it home safe and sound...that "life" can begin again...it's too overwhelming to describe.
None the less, our Christmas is beyond blessed this year, and we will never forget those that paid the ultimate sacrifice...
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