City: Seattle
Gas price per gallon:$4.33
Let's see. I left off at the ferry ride...and there is so much I should add to that, but I need to finish this trip up already!
So we hit Bellingham, WA around 8:30 in the morning. The ferry fairies wasted no
time in kicking us all off the boat and sending us on our merry way. We headed onto Highway 5 towards Seattle on a beautiful sunny Friday morning. When planning this journey I told Tim one thing I wanted to see was the guys throwing the fish at The Fish Market. I know, beyond cliche, but like the Eifel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it's just one of those things.
First and foremost, a pit stop on the edges of Seattle. After the hasty ferry farewell, we all needed a potty break...and convienently there was a TARGET right off the highway(and to the left about 5 miles and then a right and another left just past Kohls...)anyhooo an hour or so later we finished our trek to the center of Seattle.
Now, let me just take a moment to tell you...Alaska has the best, most wonderful fresh fish and game. Seriously, I LOVE reindeer sausage. However, the food I missed most was tomatoes. I would have given the world for my grandpa's big juicy tomatoes, still warm from the sun, right from the garden. That said...
We found The Fish Market, but parking was a little tight.

Then the people...ohhhhhh sweet lord...allllllll the people. Tim, having been around massive amount of people in the last 3 years didn't seem to be as affected. However, it was overwhelming for the rest of us. Again, the people, the fresh flowers(never have I seen so many, so fresh and so CHEAP!), the sunshine, the everything!!!!
After watching the anticlimatic fish throwing, we ducked into a small crepe restaraunt/cafe. There we all had just what we wanted and needed. It goes without saying the kids had some kind of Nutella on their crepes, while Tim and I were more creative...and I got my fresh, wonderful tomatoes with goat cheese and basil. It was so fresh and summer'ish. I don't think we talked to each other for a good 10 minutes. Everyone was in absolute heaven.

However, back to reality. And all the humanity. It was just too much--so, after just 2 hours, we all happily hit the road to Spokane....