who has given me more than a few of one and has been eating a sandwich of another lately....and sorry mom...
First off, sorry I haven't posted any pics. We are now going on week 6 of no cable which also means no computer. However, I'm currently leeching off a random neighbor who is kind enough not to put a password on their wireless router. I don't feel bad checking email, but downloading and uploading have been kept to a minimum around here.
Sooo....in the meantime, I thought I'd tell a funny.
The day before we left for Virginia, Tim called to see what he could pick up and have waiting at the hotel for us. Snacks...a few juice boxes...a magazine or two...just something to help us settle in after our 9 hour drive from KY to VA.
Of course, after NINE hours on the road with 3 kids, a large dog and a pissy cat, I realized a juice box was NOT going to cut it for this moma. AND the cat needed a place to relieve herself once we got in the room. Knowing Tim was at work and not wanting to disturb him too much I simply texted him the following:
SMSDona to SMSTim: Forgot to add to previous list
SMSDona to SMSTim:...need kitty litter and wine...
SMSDona to SMSTim: ...for shits and giggles...
Oh my gosh! I laughed for a good 50 miles on that one.
They did come lay some cable today so hopefully we will be up and running full speed sooner than later.
Now THAT'S a laugh that I really needed. And I am very impressed that you had functioning brain cells after riding 9 hours with three kids, a cat, and a dog. I would have ditched someone or something on the side of 64 somewhere along the way!!! One day I swear I will call you.
Dona, Good one and you were thinking on your feet that day!! Poppy
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