I'm currently sitting in a Holiday Inn in Spearfish, SD. The kids are with Tim swimming in the indoor pool and I am freshly showered and ready to conquer wet sleepy kids whenever they should walk in.
As tempting as it is to start from this point of our journey, I'm going to force myself to go back to the beginning...

We left July 5th and drove out of Alaska and into Canada. Our sleep-over was in Beaver Creek, Yukon Territory. Jamison was NOT happy and whined to go back home for the whole 6 hour journey, but all and all, the promise of another adventure spurred us on.
The Alaskan portion of the journey was pleasant. It was hard to drive past places I never went to...reflecting on the 3 years and feeling like I hadn't really gotten to know all the wonders in my own back yard.
Mountains, rough roads and frost heaves (that means bumps in the road) slowed our journey more than I expected, but I felt fortunate that the weekend prevented construction from adding to delays.
The border was uneventful, in spite of the time, effort and money I invested in passports. They didn't even check them. Ironically, Tim's civilian passport expired that very day-not to worry, he had an "official" one too!
Beaver Creek was exactly what one would expect in the middle of the Yukon Territory. A short strip of road with some weather worn buildings. We stayed at the Westmark. Not much to look at, and very, very small, and no T.V.-much to the kids dismay. However, all we needed was a place to rest our head. Oh, and I should mention...we actually saw a beaver in a creek!

We ate breakfast at Buckshot Betty's. I can't begin to describe the near junk yard ambiance outside her building, but when we walked in, ol' Betty welcomed us, told us to grab our own coffee and set to work on our orders. I couldn't tell you off the top of my head what our meal cost, but I can say it was delicious and exactly what we needed to get us on to Haines. Thanks Betty!