SarahBeth is sick. Nothing to be alarmed about, just a good old cold/fever. She started showing signs of getting sick Sunday night when she kept complaining she was so cold. This is a child who would sleep in a sleeveless satiny short nightgown, with no socks, in January, at -20 degrees if I let her.
Monday morning she got up and got ready and only complained of being cold. She said she wasn't sick, so I sent her to school. After school I picked the girls up and we headed to WalMart to pick up a few things. LeighAnne tells me about her day, but SarahBeth rides silently. When we got to Walmart, she wanted to ride in the cart-Jamison didn't, so I let her. The whole time she is sitting like a zombie, and I can see her temp. rising in her face, but she is still swearing she's not sick. We are in there about 30 minutes and she only moved once to take off her coat and put her gloves on either side of her.
As we leave, she slowly pulls on her coat and starts searching for gloves. Her brand new, just bought 2 days ago gloves. The child sat in that shopping cart for 30 minutes, without moving and still managed to lose her gloves! This winter I have bought at least 9 pairs of gloves, and only 2 remain-and that's because I bought them 2 days ago and the girls haven't discovered them yet.
So here's where the favor comes in...as things start going on clearance would you all be willing to pick up a few pairs here and there? Now I'm talking big time clearance when you can find them for like a dollar or two. Also, I have to be a little picky. The thin little cotton ones won't cut it around here. I'm looking for the thicker ones usually with Thinsulate in them. Color doesn't matter. Of course, if your worried, they have pink and purple coats this year and some I already got on clearance for next year. Size wise, LeighAnne and I pretty much wear the same size gloves...SB can wear slightly smaller ones, but adult size works for her too. (I know because she's lost my gloves also).
So there you go, next thing you know I'll have a link to Amazon.com for my anniversary registery! (Hey, not a bad idea...)I'm kidding Mom. None the less, thank you.