Here's a nice picture of the girls right after they finished their first ski lessons. There's a slope on Elmendorf Air Force Base (more like a big hill) and the girls went with Tim on a quiet Thursday evening for lessons. Tim got some snowboard "refresher" lessons at the same time. Tim however, remembers none of this.
Meanwhile, Mom and I (and Jamison) stay home and get momma ready to fly out that evening. I convince mom to leave early so we can try and catch the girls skiing. As we pull up into the parking lot and start looking for the girls, we see someone wipe out big time...
I get out of the car and walk around the lodge just in time to find the girls finishing up their lesson and Tim standing talking to the girls instructor. After the instructor leaves, I ask Tim if he would like for me to take the girls with me to the airport so he can do a few runs and he replies, "I just hit my head really hard"...after I quiz him a little more, he admits he shouldn't drive home. "OK" I say, "you turn in your equipment and the girls equipment and I'll meet you at the car" 10 minutes later-no Tim. I go back and find him in the same spot(with 2 bored and confused girls lying at his feet)all still in their equipment. OOOOkkkkkkkkkay
Long story short, take mom to airport, come home and call angelic babysitter and head to the ER. Tim's short term memory was shot and I endured(poor me)the same questions over and over and over again. For example, Tim bought new boots earlier that day, but didn't remember it, so I had to reassured him every 30-90 seconds that those were, in fact, his boots. While we were in the ER he asked me so many times "where are the kids?" That the nurse asked me if I was going to be alright taking care of him. He also kept asking if he just woke up from a long nap and I assured him, it wasn't just a nightmare-he was in fact married with 3 kids. I found it a little sad that one of his biggest concerns was if he was on leave and did he have to be into work soon. But, I should also say, he asked a million times if the girls were OK-and kept checking to make sure we hadn't left them at the slopes.
He got a CT a was given an "all clear" of sorts. No crazy stuff for 6 weeks. And he's less than thrilled that he paid for lessons that he doesn't remember. But all 'n all, I thank God he was OK. And that's how we ended 2005.
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