LeighAnne got her some glasses. They are reading glasses, so she only wears them while reading, but she likes them so much that I often have to remind her to take them off. During her appointment, I also had an exam and the Dr. told us our eyes were identical...I ,however, didn't get a prescrip. I could if I wanted, but she said it was so slight that I don't need to bother. (did I say LA had been having headaches?)
LeighAnne- You look terrific in your glasses.
I, too, started out only needing my glasses to read. However, I was a small child and it was just easier for me to wear them all the time rather than losing them (like the time in 2nd grade I held up the bus home b/c I was running around the school frantically looking for my glasses- they were pushed up on the top of my head!!!).
Moral of the story- I think over time I have made my eyes worse by wearing the glasses all the time, but who really knows? Funny, but I have come full circle to the point where now the only time I take my glasses off is to read! Don't laugh- one day you'll be as old as your mom and I!!
We are sooo old!
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